Building Sudoku for mobile applications (Aivoterveydeksi!)

Sudoku is a fantastic grid-style puzzle game enjoyed universally on many different mediums, from computers and mobile devices through to newspapers an...

Aivoterveydeksi!gamesmobileperformance May 16, 2015

Stop polluting my prototypes

I'm looking at you, Prototype.js. I write JavaScript forĀ a living, and my company's product is delivered as a script to our clients. Once asynchronou...

compatibilityprototypequirks May 3, 2015

Aivoterveydeksi! iOS app released

After a full year of coding, tweaking and testing, I've released Muistiliitto's brain health application "Aivoterveydeksi!" in the iOS app store. The ...

Aivoterveydeksi!finlandmobilemuistiliittorelease March 11, 2015

XDomainRequest and CORS on IE9

I have a JavaScript project that makes a sizeable number of requests to the back-end using XMLHttpRequest, which I recently discovered breaks when usi...

ajaxiequirks February 16, 2015

Communication between JavaScript and iOS using UIWebView

I've been powering through a 14-month iOS project and am nearing the end - much to my relief - but just like most projects, it's rife with feature-cre...

base64quirksuiwebview February 3, 2015

Working with npm and symlinks through Vagrant on Windows

I grew up playing games on DOS and Windows for Workgroups 3.11\. I stuck with Windows until I went to university, where I promptly installed Ubuntu ev...

npmosxvagrantwindows January 20, 2015

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