(Posts filtered by npm.)

Concatenate your JavaScript library using ScanTree and GruntJS

I'm working on a couple of different libraries currently that share some common ground: They both are compiled into a single file, and they both have ...

compiledependencynodejsnpm July 26, 2015

Working with npm and symlinks through Vagrant on Windows

I grew up playing games on DOS and Windows for Workgroups 3.11\. I stuck with Windows until I went to university, where I promptly installed Ubuntu ev...

npmosxvagrantwindows January 20, 2015

Front-end build automation at Kiosked

Kiosked is an influential web advertising technology company that specialises in providing its clients with automated ad placements. We manage to prov...

BDDchromecode coveragegruntjsjasminekioskednodejsnpmTDDtestingvagrantvirtualbox January 19, 2015

Increment npm project versions with grunt-magikarp

We develop in a world with a vast amount of choice when it comes to supporting packages and tools. It's a luxury that at any time we can swiftly build...

gitgithubgruntjsnpm December 6, 2014

Private NPM repository with Sinopia

I've spent the last 6 months venturing into the deepest recesses of front-end build automation and package management, and I've returned with some tre...

gitlabnodejsnpm November 21, 2014

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