(Posts filtered by jasmine.)

Feature documentation and testing is easy

At Kiosked, in my Front-end development team, we've just starting using BBC Sport's ShouldIT to run tests against our feature documentation. Testing a...

documentationjasminetesting September 12, 2015

Front-end build automation at Kiosked

Kiosked is an influential web advertising technology company that specialises in providing its clients with automated ad placements. We manage to prov...

BDDchromecode coveragegruntjsjasminekioskednodejsnpmTDDtestingvagrantvirtualbox January 19, 2015

JavaScript testing with Jasmine and PhantomJS

JavaScript testing has always been something of a neglected process at work. Nobody really knows how to write them, and nobody cares to learn. There's...

jasminephantomjstesting February 28, 2014

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