A load balanced website using PHP FPM, Nginx, MySQL and Varnish (Part 3)

In the previous post we setup our Wordpress installation on 2 PHP servers for load balancing. We also setup the MySQL database to accept connections o...

nginxvarnish May 8, 2014

JavaScript testing with Jasmine and PhantomJS

JavaScript testing has always been something of a neglected process at work. Nobody really knows how to write them, and nobody cares to learn. There's...

jasminephantomjstesting February 28, 2014

Detecting which mouse button was pressed

I recently completed a task that required dragging functionality on a web element. The element had to support dragging on the Y axis, using JavaScript...

quirks February 11, 2014

LogMeIn service to become subscription only

The remote-control service LogMeIn has stated that all of its free remote control services will become subscription only in just a few days. This mean...

remote January 22, 2014

A load balanced website using PHP FPM, Nginx, MySQL and Varnish (Part 2)

So in the previous post") I covered the setup of Nginx and php5-fpm for our webservers. By the end of that, you should have been able to browse to the...

nginxvarnishwordpress January 22, 2014

Why Friday deployments are a bad idea

One of the first things you learn as a developer, being a member of a company, is that deployment on Fridays are just generally a bad idea. There's no...

deployment December 29, 2013

(On page 8 of 12.)


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